Train your skills in Facilitating Online Meetings before you are too late
Now that the Corona crisis has entered the second wave, the number of online meetings will not decrease, but will probably only increase. Unlike with the first wave, as a facilitator of an online meeting, you can no longer get away with having no experience with online facilitation.
At the Facilitation Academy, we therefore offer you maximum support to train yourself with both a manual and a course.
Digital manual
With the digital manual ‘Facilitating Online Meetings’ we offer you a reference book that you can always fall back on. In 11 chapters, we explain what is involved in facilitating an online meeting. If you subscribe to this manual, you will also receive the workbook ‘Online Work Forms’. This workbook contains more than 55 work forms that you can apply online. More information can be found at the manual ‘Facilitating Online Meetings‘.
Online course
If you prefer to take in information by seeing examples and practicing it yourself, then the online training ‘Facilitating Online Meetings’ is really something for you. During the first block we demonstrate the use of various tools and as a participant you experience how these tools work. In the second block you will work with one of the tools yourself and you will supervise a mini-workshop. This mini-workshop will be discussed afterwards. You will receive tips on how to use the tool and your facilitation. With this course you will also receive the digital manual and workbook free of charge. The training is given both as open registration and in-company. More information about the training and the possibility to register can be found on the course page.
Good to know
Both the manual and the workbook are available in Dutch and English and the training is also given in both languages. More information can be found on the page of the handleiding and on the page of the training.